Thursday, August 2, 2007

majhi wadi

this is a place where i was born and brought up. its called a wadi in marathi and a society in english.....but we prefer writting it as brahmin wadi, traditional ways of belonging to a place where caste and class did matter. as the name suggest its still a place where only maharashtrians live...though we do have daughter-in-laws of many who are from other caste. this place is so full of life when its five in the evening or even a festival like ganapati...its amazing to see 109 families living and we as kids knew all of them. beat part was the fun and pampering by all the grannys of this wadi. we knew which house had the best barfi and which aunty could make the best poha. we as kids had never seen any of these houses locked unless the family is going out of town. in the evening times all grandmothers sit out and chat and have bhajan sessions all singing while grandchildren are playing to glory...its not just games that we have played here but also in the mud. we dont have a concrete ground its just mud....and imagine the puddles and water in the rains...but u bet its the best time to be on such a ground. football and chor police were patent over a weekend...when everybody gets atleast 4 hours to play. we never found the need to go out and join any activity as kids...we all learnt them here. dance classes, utions, dabba service, paying guest accomodations, everything is taken care of. though this place is now famous for paying uest accomodation for UDCT and VJTI students but many more have joined the gangs. this place has never had any special balcony to anyone its one stretch of land where one can learn how to cycle whithout falling or not been able to go out. we as kids used to hare our test papers with eachother in the colony....and yes we were a gang of us who at times have also studied together. its a bonding that i have never experienced anywhere...staying in a hostel is different and though i have stayed in many other places but this place is one of its kind. if your parents are away thats all u need, all the neighbouring auties and grannys will see to it that u r juston time for everything...even ur meals are taken care of. its amazing how we who are residents here know everyone from everyones family...auties, uncles, first cousions, etc.... but the best part is if you win any award and anyone in the colony knows it ...u bet the world is small everyone knows it even before you have reached home. its a fun loving and an amazing place to be in this part of the world. i pray that this bonding amongst all of us grows and never fades away.

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